Plot: Bo is a small-town girl on the run after a disastrous sexual encounter with her boyfriend ends with his death. Bo learns that she is not human, but a succubus, who feeds on the sexual energy of humans. She and her kind are members of the Fae, creatures of legend, who walk among humans and feed off them...
Plot: Academy Award-nominee Naomi Watts stars in this Netflix-original psychological thriller as Jean, a therapist in New York with a successful practice and a life that seems picturesque. As Jean starts to develop intimate and illicit relationships with the people in her patients' lives, the borders of her...
Plot: Socially awkward high school student Otis may not have much experience in the lovemaking department, but he gets good guidance on the topic in his personal sex ed course -- living with mom Jean, who is a sex therapist. Being surrounded by manuals, videos and tediously open conversations about sex, Otis...
Plot: Tara and Karan are Delhi-based wedding planners who know that India is a society in transition, with tradition clashing with modern individual aspirations. With each ceremony, they enter into the lives of a different bride and groom. The weddings Tara and Karan service introduce them to the complexities...
Plot: Pushpavalli meets the charming Nikhil Rao at an organic food convention and falls in love with him. Unable to get him out of her mind, she secretly follows him to Bangalore and begins working with her friend.
Plot: Dealing with the typical mid-life marital problems, Shefali and Rishabh Malhotra seek professional help to ensure that they do not end up getting divorced like most of their couple friends.
Plot: Students Dharam and Rashmi are in love, but as Dharam becomes more passionate about his political ambitions, Rashmi questions the change in his demeanor; Angad falls head over heels for Mamta who is the student leader for the communist party.
Plot: Four unapologetically flawed women live, love, blunder and discover what really makes them tick through friendship and tequila in millennial Mumbai.
Plot: The Mumbai Mavericks are playing their sixth season in the power play league. The preliminary rounds are going well, but when the team gets a new owner, the climate in the team changed devastating. Greed and fame come to the fore.