Plot: Longtime zookeeper Jack Hanna hosts this Emmy-winning show that takes viewers on a journey around the world to showcase animals in their natural habitats. In addition to showing footage of the creatures and giving information about the places where they live, "Into the Wild" discusses the protection...
Plot: The veterinarians and keepers at the San Diego Zoo work hard to take care of the animals in their facility and educate visitors about the conservation needs of each species.
Plot: An endearing little girl with a unique home, Willa maneuvers her way through life's trials and tribulations, aided by her loving father and the plethora of zoo animals she has as an extended family. Although she frequently makes her situations worse before they get better, her adventures offer valuable...
Plot: Chester Zoo is one of the most popular wildlife parks in Great Britain, attracting more than 1.8 million visitors annually. Through the use of cameras equipped with the latest technology, this program takes viewers behind the scenes of the zoo, capturing animal behavior close up, as well as the relationships...
Plot: Jack Hanna has hosted TV shows about wildlife since the premiere of "Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures" in 1993 and has become a zoological authority in his 30-plus years working at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Ohio. On "Wild Countdown," he uses his knowledge and experience to present count-down lists...
Plot: One of the largest and most popular zoos in the US, Ohio's renowned Columbus Zoo and Aquarium and its conservation park The Wilds, houses more than 10,000 animals on 12,000 acres. It's also the part-time home of beloved wildlife guru Jack Hanna, the zoo's director emeritus. Now, Nat Geo Wild is taking...
Plot: Located just 10 miles from New York's Times Square, the Bronx Zoo is a recognized world leader in animal care and species conservation. It houses more than 6,000 animals and has a staff of 500-plus people dedicated to the animals' care and well-being. Never before have camera crews been granted full...
Plot: Mariette Hartley is an Emmy-winning actress who is also passionate about fighting for animals' rights so, naturally, she hosts this series that aims to educate young people about animals. Each episode features four stories about exotic and unique animals to help kids and teenagers learn about the animal...