Plot: Following World War II, two powerful blocs -- a democratic West led by the United States and a communist world dominated by the Soviet Union -- faced off against each other, each claiming that the other was bent on destroying its way of life. While the battle never produced direct, armed confrontations...
Plot: Apocalypse: the Cold War, also known as Apocalypse: War of worlds, is a TV series made up of 6 French documentaries which retraces the main events of the Cold War, from 1945 to 1991. Wikipedia
Plot: Marking the 70th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, historian David Reynolds re-assesses Stalin's role in the struggle between Germany and Russia in World War II, which, he argues, was more critical for British survival than the Battle of Britain. Stalin means `man of steel...
Plot: These are the stories of those who lived through Hitler's Germany. Told only with archival documents, this is a moving account of Germany and the Third Reich through the eyes of the oppressed, as they watched their country be crushed by a dictator.