Plot: Picking up where the 2002 Walt Disney movie hit left off, this animated series chronicles the further adventures of renegade scientist Dr. Jumba Jookiba's beloved Experiment 626, who is now living happily as Lilo's alien buddy Stitch. The previous 625 experiments become activated when submerged in water...
Plot: Young Johnny is gung-ho and full of courage. Johnny's brainiac twin sisters, Susan and Mary, use Johnny as their guinea pig for their outrageous scientific experiments. If they can dream it up, Johnny will do it; as long as his genetically engineered super dog, Dukey, can come along.
Plot: Fourteen-year-old Penny Proud is growing up! She's trying to gain her independence and faces typical teenage experiences in junior high. With the help of her parents, Trudy and Oscar, and her grandma, Sugar Mama, Penny faces all sorts of comical events.
Plot: Brainiac Velma, jock Fred, fashionista Daphne, hippie Shaggy, and Shaggy's highstrung, talking Great Dane, Scooby-Doo, climb into their green van, the Mystery Machine, and hit the road in search of weird phenomena to solve. And even when Scooby and the gang aren't actively searching for them, mysteries...
Plot: The 2009 feature film "Monsters vs. Aliens" was a bona fide hit, earning just shy of $200 million at the U.S. box office and more than $380 million worldwide. Because of its success, it has become a franchise that includes this computer-animated series featuring many of the same characters but with...
Plot: Miley Stewart, an average teenage girl, lives a double life as a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana and constantly tries to conceal her true identity from the public.
Plot: The lovable warthog Pumbaa and his meerkat buddy Timon carry on the "hakuna matata" (no worries) lifestyle, which can get them into plenty of jungle trouble. Watch these two friends from "The Lion King" as they travel on funny African adventures. Simba even stops by for a visit from time to time.
Plot: Rapunzel, kept under lock and key, wishes to see the source of the lanterns and discover the world outside. Her wishes come true when she comes across the runaway thief, Flynn.