Plot: Taking inspiration from real life situations, this series, part reality show and part soap opera, showcases the lives of a glamorous group of young people and puts the home county of Essex on the map. The show's main cast, who have jobs in various lines of work, enjoy the local nightlife and bars as...
Plot: The team behind pop-culture powerhouse `Jersey Shore' reignites MTV's franchise that celebrates youth culture, turning its cameras to the Florida Panhandle to profile a summer of fun for eight young adults. The carefree crew spends long days and bright nights in the hottest beach town on the Gulf Coast...
Plot: In this documentary series, two people suffering from the effects of severe diets are placed in a medically supervised environment and swap diets for five days, after which they follow a healthy eating plan for three months before returning for a final weigh-in and health screening. The program also...
Plot: Meet the heirs and heiresses of the Chelsea social set, the nattily dressed, fiercely ambitious, nightlife-loving 20-something residents of West London and South West areas of Belgravia, Kings Road and Knightsbridge.
Plot: Siesta Key is a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Sarasota, Fla. But perhaps more importantly for reality show viewers, it's the setting of this sultry series from the producers of `Laguna Beach' that follows a similar formula as that mid-2000s show. `Siesta Key' follows some young...
Plot: Deep in South Wales, in the picturesque rolling countryside known as The Valleys, nine youngsters are dreaming of a life of stardom and the limousines, paparazzi and adoring fans that come with it. Unfortunately, it won't be easy to become the next Tom Jones or Catherine Zeta-Jones. In fact, it would...
Plot: Everyone who is anyone -- or at least the millions of `Jersey Shore' fans -- recognizes the name Pauly D, the cool dude from Rhode Island who is a successful DJ. Outside of the party-all-the-time `Shore' house, Pauly D still maintains the swagger, the distinctive hairstyle and the all-season tan, but...
Plot: With new cast interviews, we look back at the best one liners, bust ups, mortal moments, love stories, bromances, 'crazy' dancing, grooming... everything that is the essence of being a Geordie!
Plot: Eight 'hot twenty-somethings' will be heading to beach party capital of the world Cancun with their grandparents in tow to have the `greatest vacation of their lives'.
Plot: MTV goes behind the scenes of social media star Charlotte Crosby's post-`Geordie Shore' life, capturing her personal and professional drama. The series follows Charlotte as she travels across the world to a variety of photoshoots and engagements, and also features Crosby's friends, family, including...
Plot: We chart the reality rise of the Geordie shore cast, their early days in the house, how they really feel about each other now and how the series has brought them opportunities and millionaire status.
Plot: It's been eight years since Geordie Shore exploded on to our screens introducing us to Gaz, Holly, Marnie and Aaron. Now we step into their lives as they face bigger challenges as grown ups.
Plot: The flagship MTV network in America has made a cultural phenomenon out of its popular `Jersey Shore' programme. The UK counterpart has since matched its success with the long-running `Geordie Shore', which features a group of young people from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. The city serves as the stomping grounds...