Plot: This prequel to the "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" films -- taking place before giant food started raining down on Swallow Falls -- features the adventures of would-be scientist Flint Lockwood during his high school years when he hoped to become a serious scientist and eventually not have his...
Plot: Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Sylvester, Lola, Tweety and Taz all live together as toddlers! The series takes a trip back to when the characters were all preschool age and living with Granny in a big mansion. Learning new things together, Bugs often leads the bunch using their imaginations and learning life...
Plot: Facing one misadventure after another, two rascally fourth-grade pals turn their ornery headmaster into Captain Underpants, a superhero looking to save the day.
Plot: Fun-loving 5-year-old Henry Hugglemonster, the middle child in a close-knit monster family, goes on adventures where he learns various life lessons like learning to work in a team and helping others. Joining Henry on his adventures are his parents, Daddo and Momma, and siblings Cobby, Summer and baby...
Plot: Some might describe `A.N.T. Farm' as `Glee' for the Disney crowd. It features young music prodigy Chyna Parks, who attends high school as part of an Advanced Natural Talents (A.N.T.) program. Chyna and fellow A.N.T. participants Olive and Fletcher must make the most of their high school experience,...
Plot: Following the adventures of five best friends: Stephanie, Emma, Olivia, Mia and Andrea, as they have fun and meet lots of people in and around their hometown.
Plot: Sheriff Mao Mao, a daring cat, goes on exciting adventures with his sidekick Badgerclops and a new friend Adorabat as they protect the citizens of Pure Heart Valley from evil.
Plot: Polly is often told she is too little to do the things she wants to do, but Polly proves what every kid knows, that being little isn't a limitation.
Plot: Marvel's iconic heroes and villains are on display in a superstylized animated series, as they battle one another for possession of the Infinity Sword, the most powerful object in the universe. A confrontation between Iron Man and Dr. Doom shatters the sword and spreads its fragments around the globe...
Plot: Peppa, an outgoing preschool pig, participates in many energetic activities. She learns something new every day and has a lot of fun with her family and friends.
Plot: Sensei Wu recruits four Ninjas, including Kai, a young sword-maker looking for his sister, and trains them for a specific task. They must find the four weapons of Spinjitzu before it's too late.
Plot: Scrooge McDuck and his three nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, are always in the midst of something adventurous, be it in the depth of the sea, outer space or the heart of the jungle.
Plot: No, this animated series is not about anthropomorphic chewing gum, it's about a young cat named Gumball Watterson. Gumball has a penchant for getting into trouble, often resulting from schemes he comes up with, but he never seems to learn his lesson. Gumball's best friend is a fish named Darwin, who...
Plot: A rookery of penguins with attitude -- leader Skipper, brainy Kowalski, loony Rico and young Private -- in Central Park Zoo embarks on what it sees as a series of strike-force missions until confronting an unwelcome challenge to its dominance from a new zoo resident: Julien, King of the Lemurs, in a...
Plot: This computer-animated series follows the adventures of Po, the energetic Dragon Warrior panda first introduced in the popular "Kung Fu Panda" feature film. Po, aided by mentor Shifu and the Furious Five -- Tigress, Mantis, Crane, Monkey and Viper -- now lives at the Jade Palace with the rest of the...
Plot: This incarnation of the popular cartoon series finds Scooby and the gang living in Crystal Cove, a small town with a long history of ghost sightings, monster tales and other mysteries ripe for the sleuths to solve once and for all. But the longstanding Crystal Cove residents, who bank on the town's...
Plot: Randy Cunningham is a ninth-grader who is an unlikely hero with a superhuman ninja suit, the NinjaNomicon. Randy uses the suit and help from his best friend, Howard, to battle evil while trying to survive high school and guard his secret identity -- all while trying to protect his school and the world...
Plot: Lazy cat Oggy loves to watch TV and eat food. However, his flatmates, who happen to be three tiny cockroaches, enjoy attacking Oggy's refrigerator and creating a messy situation.
Plot: A group of assorted trucks has fun just playing around in this animated series for preschoolers that passes along plenty of positive messages in between the energetic escapades. Chuck, a turbo-charged, pint-size dump truck, is the star of the show and hopes to one day become a racing truck like his...
Plot: Audrey, Lotta and Dot -- the Harvey Girls -- are the self-appointed guardians of Harvey Street; the BFFs do whatever it takes to make sure it's the best block to never grow up on.
Plot: Young fairy princess Holly and her best friend, Ben Elf, live in Little Kingdom, a tiny land where flowers and grass grow above the tallest towers. Being a princess, Holly has magical powers, but her attempts at magic often go awry -- but that is to be expected because even her fairy teacher, Nanny...
Plot: Timmy is a little lamb with a lot to learn as he heads off to nursery school. An "only lamb," he's had his own way most of the time, and he hasn't had to consider other people's feelings or share. But when he goes to Nursery, a cozy little school in an old farm building nestled in rolling hills, Timmy...
Plot: A blue jay named Mordecai and a raccoon named Rigby work as groundskeepers at a local park and get into surreal misadventures whenever they attempt to slack off.
Plot: Young Johnny is gung-ho and full of courage. Johnny's brainiac twin sisters, Susan and Mary, use Johnny as their guinea pig for their outrageous scientific experiments. If they can dream it up, Johnny will do it; as long as his genetically engineered super dog, Dukey, can come along.
Plot: Grizzy the bear takes over the forest ranger's house every time he leaves, and considers it his own. This changes when a tribe of lemmings also moves into the house.
Plot: This follow-up to the popular "Teen Titans" series takes a more comedic look at the superheroes, showing what life is like for the teens when their capes come off. Funny things happen to Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and Cyborg between saving the world and being regular teens, living together without...
Plot: Martin Short provides the voice of the title character in this animated series from PBS Kids, which aims to promote children's literacy in science. It follows the magical adventures of 6-year-olds Nick and Sally, who travel the world with the Cat in the Hat as their guide. As they travel in the Cat'...
Plot: Charlie and Lola are fictional children created by the English writer and illustrator Lauren Child in 2000. They were introduced in a series of picture books and later adapted as animated television characters. Wikipedia
Plot: "Team Umizoomi" consists of 6-year-old Milli, her brother Geo, who's 8, and their friendly robot named Bot. These mighty math superheroes introduce young viewers to the concepts of counting, measurement, shapes and patterns. Milli and Geo help other kids in Umi City with their problems, which are sent...
Plot: Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, Daisy, Donald and many other clubhouse friends go on educational adventures and impart important lessons in a fun way.
Plot: The 2009 feature film "Monsters vs. Aliens" was a bona fide hit, earning just shy of $200 million at the U.S. box office and more than $380 million worldwide. Because of its success, it has become a franchise that includes this computer-animated series featuring many of the same characters but with...
Plot: After the death of his grandfather, Mike discovers that he belongs to a family of vigilante ninjas. Along with his two friends, Mike enters the world of watchdogs and forms a team called Supah Ninjas.