Plot: `Inside the Gang' offers a unique and candid view of London's street gang culture, examining three issues surrounding gangs: the next generation of gangsters, women and gangs, and drug money and gangs. The documentary offers an unprecedented look into the inner workings of street gangs, with much of...
Plot: Life imitates art - sort of - for brothers Gary and Martin Kemp, who investigate both latter-day and contemporary gangs in Britain after famously portraying gang members in the 1990 film `The Krays'. In each episode, the Spandau Ballet duo visits a different region in Britain, and through the use of...
Plot: When you think of motorcycle clubs, the first name you think of is probably Hells Angels, one of the most notorious and secretive organisations in America. In this series, George Christie Jr - the founder and former president of the Ventura, California, chapter of the organisation - is revealing their...