Plot: Oha Suta is a children's TV show which airs in Japan in the morning on Monday to Friday, and it is produced by TV Tokyo. It premiered in 1997. This show is a remake of "OhayÅ Studio", a similar show that also aired on TV Tokyo from 1979 to 1986. Wikipedia
Plot: Okaasan to Issho is a children's television program airing weekday mornings in Japan on NHK. The show consists of seasonal songs, the Galapico Poo segment, and animated shorts like Tomodachi Hachi Nin. Wikipedia
Plot: Police à Heroine Lovepatrina! is a Japanese tokusatsu TV drama series that began airing on July 26, 2020. It is the fourth installment in the Girls à Heroine Series produced by Takara Tomy and OLM, Inc. The series is directed by Takashi Miike and stars Miyu Watanabe, Rina Yamaguchi...
Plot: Secret à Heroine Phantomirage! is a Japanese tokusatsu TV drama series that airing from April 7, 2019 to June 28, 2020. It is the third installment of the Girls à Heroine Series produced by Takara Tomy and OLM, Inc. with the assistance of Shogakukan and EXPG Studio. Wikipedia