Plot: This fast-paced and stunt-filled motor show tests whether cars, both mundane and extraordinary, live up to their manufacturers' claims. The long-running show travels to locations around the world, performing extreme stunts and challenges to see what the featured cars are capable of doing. Celebrity...
Plot: Automotive journalist Chris Harris gets behind the steering wheel of some of the newest and fastest cars available in this series that BBC America calls "mischievous, insightful and downright entertaining." While exploring the luxury vehicles, Harris takes viewers inside the technical complexities...
Plot: That maniac who nearly ran you off the road on your way to work may have been racing for his life. He could have been, say, Alex Tully, a man forced into this illegal and potentially deadly cross-country road race in a desperate bid to locate his missing ex-wife, accompanied by mysterious stowaway...
Plot: On the Road is a Chinese internet reality show. It was produced by Zhangxinyu and Lianghong. The show was released in June 2013 on Youku. Wikipedia