Plot: In this animated adventure series - a spin-off of sorts to the original `Bob the Builder' - Bob and his can-do team of all-talking, all-action machines tackle their biggest project to date: build a new community in a remote area called Sunflower Valley, outside of Bobsville.
Plot: Frank and Buster are both koalas living in the Australian outback who love to help others. They fly patrol in their Yellow Airplane, looking for anyone in need of help. The preschool puppet-animation series focuses on helping others, problem solving and friendship.
Plot: Alice, Brian and Cherry Berry must make sure the ABC Monsters of Capital Castle are back home safely in the Alphabet Gardens every night by sunset or all the letters will be wiped clean from every book in Capital Town.
Plot: Transformers: Beast Wars is an entertainment franchise from Hasbro, and is part of the larger Transformers franchise. The fiction directly follows the Transformers: Generation 1 continuity established by the 1984 series and animated film. Wikipedia