Plot: Young Rudy appears like any other student at his elementary school, but he has a special gift. Rudy can draw portals with his magic chalk and use those portals to enter new worlds. The drawings that have been previously erased come to life as Rudy explores the ChalkZone.
Plot: SpongeBob's Runaway Roadtrip is an anthology series of five episodes in the American animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants, as part of its eighth season. As the name suggests, the miniseries consisted of five vacation themed episodes, the first four leading up to the premiere of the fifth...
Plot: Nineteen-year-old actor Mikey Simon is Japan's biggest anime star. The Ohio native wins a contest to star in Japan's once-popular TV show, "LilyMu." Mikey takes Japan by storm, and the show shoots back to the top of the ratings. But Mikey is still a fish out of water in Japan, and his off-screen antics...
Plot: Pelswick Eggert is just like most 13-year-olds, except that he is in a wheelchair -- or permanently seated as he prefers to call it. He doesn't let that stop him, though, as he deals with the usual obstacles that come with being a teenager, including school bully Boyd. The smart, good-natured teen...
Plot: Worldwide Day of Play is an annual event designed to encourage children and parents to turn off the television and play together, especially outdoors. Wikipedia
Plot: SNICK was a two-hour programming block on the American cable television network Nickelodeon, geared toward older audiences, that ran from August 15, 1992 until January 29, 2005. It was aired on Saturdays starting at 8 p.m and ending at 10 p.m. ET. In 2005, SNICK was revamped as the Saturday night edition...
Plot: Slime Time Live is a television series that aired on Nickelodeon from 2000รข2004, lasting 8 seasons. During its run it was hosted by Dave Aizer, Jonah Travick and Jessica Holmes and produced/directed by Jason Harper. It was located outside of the former Nickelodeon Studios at Universal...
Plot: Nickel-O-Zone was a one-hour programming block on the American cable television network Nickelodeon, geared toward older audiences, that ran from August 31, 1998 รข 2000. It was aired on Sunday-Friday 8p and ended at 9p. ET. Wikipedia
Plot: After reading the title of this animated series, you know the species and name of each of the four main characters. The four friends live in Boopelite, an unusual town where fruit can walk, animals can talk and pickles are abundant at the Picklemart downtown -- that last one is good news for pickle...