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Free Country
Description: Newlywed immigrants adjust to life in America. Genre: Comedy, Drama Year Released: 1978 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 5 First episode air date: June 24, 1978 Network: American Broadcasting Company
Plot: The series focuses on life in Greenwich Village's 12th Precinct station house. Initially, it looks at Capt. Barney Miller and his work and home life, but it gradually becomes about the officers of the precinct, including always-on-the-verge-of-retirement Detective Fish.
Plot: Archibald "Archie" Bunker is a fictional character from the 1970s American television sitcom All in the Family and its spin-off Archie Bunker's Place, played by Carroll O'Connor. Bunker, a main character of the series, is a World War II veteran, blue-collar worker, and family man. Wikipedia
Plot: Bob Hartley, a psychologist in Chicago, goes through everyday life and experiences a host of misadventures with his family, colleagues and patients.
Plot: Aspiring actress Ann Marie moves to New York and works at a series of temp jobs while waiting for her big break in show business, while her overprotective father, Lou, looks on nervously. Although she is focused on her career, Ann also finds time to fall for magazine executive Donald Hollinger, to...
Plot: Rhoda heads to New York for a short trip to visit her sister, Brenda. During her vacation, Rhoda falls in love with Joe, a handsome man who later asks her to permanently move to the city.
Plot: Tall Tales & Legends is an American folklore anthology television series of 9 episodes created by television and film actress Shelley Duvall, who also served as Executive Producer and narrator, alongside Fred Fuchs, following her success with her first anthology series, Faerie Tale Theatre. Wikipedia...
Plot: This miniseries tells the story of the FBI's hunt for the Unabomber in the 1990s. Agent Jim "Fitz" Fitzgerld, a fresh-faced criminal profiler with the agency, faces an uphill battle in tracking the infamous criminal but also has to fight against the bureaucracy of the Unabom Task Force (UTF), of which...
Plot: America 2-Night is the continuation of the talk-show parody series Fernwood 2 Night, broadcast weeknights from April to July 1978. As on Fernwood, Martin Mull portrayed host Barth Gimble and Fred Willard appeared as sidekick/announcer Jerry Hubbard. Frank De Vol also returned as bandleader Happy Kyne...
Plot: "All in the Family" is touted as the series that brought reality to prime-time TV entertainment. The lead character, Archie Bunker, is a loudmouthed, uneducated bigot who believes in every stereotype he has ever heard. His wife, Edith, is sweet but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. They and their...
Plot: A single dad (Richard S. Castellano) has a lot to deal with, being the super of a large apartment building in New York. Raising his teenage son adds to the complications.
Plot: Morton & Hayes was a comedy television series, shown Wednesday nights at 8:30 on CBS. The series was centered on the "rediscovered" work of a fictitious comedy duo; each episode presented what was purported as a newly-discovered Morton & Hayes comedy short from the late 1930s or early 1940s. Wikipedia...
Plot: New York engineer Bill Davis finds his life as a swinging bachelor turned upside-down by the arrival of his newly orphaned nieces and nephew -- young twins Buffy and Jody and their teenaged big sister, Cissy. In time, however, Bill adjusts his lifestyle to accommodate his young charges, with a little...
Plot: A beauty queen moves into a mansion in Palm Springs expecting 16 potential Prince Charmings. Instead, she finds that the handsome princes are actually guys with great hearts, but admittedly average looks, some even describing themselves as nerds and geeks. Each week, she learns more about her suitor...
Plot: After their failed marriages, two friends decide to live together. Initially, they face problems with each other, but learn to overcome their differences.