Plot: Don Juan y Su Bella Dama is an Argentine 2008â2009 telenovela, created and produced by Telefe. In this telenovela, lead roles were portrayed by JoaquÃn Furriel and Romina Gaetani. The telenovela was adapted in 2010 as Lena - Liebe meines Lebens by Endemol for the German television...
Plot: Rebelde Way is a MartÃn Fierro Award-nominated Argentine telenovela created and produced by Cris Morena. It was originally broadcast from 27 May 2002 to 10 November 2003. The soap opera was broadcast in many countries, including Paraguay, Peru, Germany, Israel, Spain, Uruguay and Greece, achieving...
Plot: Casi Ãngeles is an Argentine teen telenovela by Cris Morena which was aired by Telefe. Its first broadcast was on 21 March 2007 and it ended on 29 November 2010, with a total of 579 episodes divided over four seasons. It is considered one of the most successful Telenovelas in Argentinian television...
Plot: Desire, is a town nature has gifted with unusual blessings: healing spring waters. Its moral and economic owner is Dalmiro Bernal. He and Mercedes, his wife, run a Spa and hotel which, at the beginning of the story is about to celebrate its twentieth anniversary. 25 years ago, Mercedes got pregnant...
Plot: When she appears on the doorstep of wealthy widower Maxwell Sheffield's New York home, cosmetics saleswoman Fran Fine unexpectedly gets a job as the nanny for the Broadway producer's three children, Maggie, Brighton and Grace. Fran brings her no-nonsense honesty, sharp sense of humour and `Queens logic...
Plot: Seven years ago, a mysterious monster was found deep in a rural coal mine. Since then, rumors of a plague spread through the small town, and people experience an unexplainable mental illness.
Plot: A man must work on a TV show which does investigations with hidden cameras in order to get to the bottom of mysterious cases, and one of his tasks consists in finding out about a company which has been denounced by an employee.
Plot: Florencia, a lively young woman, starts working as a nanny at the Fritzenwalden house. There, she meets Federico, who has just returned from Germany to take care of his siblings after their parent's death.
Plot: Atracción x4 is a 2008-2009 Argentine telenovela. It was broadcast on Canal 13. It replaced Patito Feo on Canal 13, in 7 pm. It was directed by Marcelo Tinelli, and produced by Ideas del Sur Due to low ratings after the premiere, producers introduced new characters, sets and a new title. Wikipedia...
Plot: Alma Pirata is an Argentine 2006 telenovela, created and produced by Cris Morena. In this telenovela, lead roles were portrayed by BenjamÃn Rojas, Fabián Mazzei, Luisana Lopilato, Mariano MartÃnez, Nicolás Vázquez, Isabel Macedo, Elsa Pinilla and Julia Calvo. Wikipedia
Plot: Santiago is the son of a constructions bussnessman and after spending many years in a college of the interior of the country , he returns to Buenos Aires to live with his father Arturo. Celeste is the daughter of a foreman. To help economically her parents she works in the construction but her dream...
Plot: Amor MÃo is a Spanish language comedy telecomedy, produced in Argentina by Telefe and for Mexico by Televisa. This romantic comedy features Abril Juárez and Marcos Sinclair, two singles who are forced to share an apartment in Buenos Aires even though they cannot stand each other. Wikipedia