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Fox New Year's Eve specials
Description: Counting down to 2016 in Miami. Genre: Television program First episode air date: December 31, 2014 Initial Release: December 31, 2014 Network: Fox Broadcasting Company Production Locations: Bayfront Park, Miami
Plot: "Dispatches From Elsewhere" is an anthology series from creator and star Jason Segal. The story centers around four ordinary people - Peter, Simone, Janice, and Fredwynn -- who are brought together by chance after they all respond to a flyer. Feeling as though something is missing in their lives, the...
Plot: "B Positive" revolves around Drew, a therapist and newly divorced dad who is faced with finding a kidney donor when he runs into Gina, a rough-around-the-edges woman from his past who volunteers her own kidney. Together, they form an unlikely and life-affirming friendship as they begin a journey that...
Plot: This reality series profiles a group of young people who work aboard yachts that measure well over 100 feet long. The crew members, known as yachties, live aboard the luxurious, privately owned vessels while making sure that their demanding clients' ever-changing needs are met. The yachties share a...
Plot: They may live in the lap of luxury, but life isn't always perfect for the women who reside in one of the wealthiest enclaves of the U.S. They continue to focus on living large; plastic surgery, working out, shopping, drinking, dancing, and dining out top their agendas. The quartet that remains from...
Plot: The "Real Housewives" franchise continues to expand across America, with this edition landing in Potomac, Md., a community of rolling hills and gated mansions just up the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. As is standard for the franchise, the reality show follows several well-to-do women who are...
Plot: Dallas is the setting for the first "Real Housewives" show that calls Texas home. People who live in the Lone Star State are full of Texas pride, and these housewives are no different. People warn others not to mess with Texas, and that is especially true when dealing with the state's socialites featured...