Plot: Please Take My Brother Away!, also known as the Japanese name Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai!, is a Chinese web manhua series by You.Ling. In 2017, the series was adapted into a Japanese television short anime series by Fanworks and Imagineer with Japanese and Mandarin Chinese voices. Wikipedia
Plot: Guan Hongfeng, former captain of the Changfeng Criminal Investigation Detachment, solves multiple cases in order to exonerate his twin brother Guan Hongyu.
Plot: KO One is a 2005 Taiwanese drama starring Jiro Wang, Calvin Chen, Aaron Yan and Danson Tang. It was produced by Comic International Productions and Gala Television, it was first broadcast in Taiwan on cable TV Gala Television Variety Show/CH 28 on November 26, 2005 to May 27, 2006. Wikipedia