Plot: Love at Second Sight is a 2014 Chinese drama starring Zheng Kai, Rainie Yang and Michael Zhang. Filming began on 20 February 2014 and wrapped in end of April. It was filmed on Zhengzhou, China. Wikipedia
Plot: Women of the Tang Dynasty, also known as The World of Tang Women, is a 2013 Chinese television series based on events in the Tang dynasty starting from the late reign of Wu Zetian to Emperor Xuanzong's accession to the throne. Wikipedia
Plot: Fireworks is a 2006 South Korean television series starring Han Chae-young, Kang Ji-hwan, Park Eun-hye and Yoon Sang-hyun. It aired on MBC from May 13 to July 9, 2006 on Saturdays and Sundays at 21:40 for 17 episodes. Wikipedia