Plot: Mind Matters is a 20-episode drama series produced by Mediacorp Channel 8. The show aired at 9pm on weekdays and had a repeat telecast at 8am the following day. It stars Qi Yuwu, Jesseca Liu, Denise Camillia Tan, Shane Pow, Teresa Tseng, Florence Tan, Chen Tianwen, Ben Yeo & Sora Ma as the casts of...
Plot: Doppelganger is a Singaporean Chinese drama which was produced by Wawa Pictures and telecast on Singapore's free-to-air channel, Mediacorp Channel 8. It was first shown in 2018, and was broadcast on weeknights. The show aired at 9pm on weekdays and had a repeat telecast at 8am the following day. Wikipedia...
Plot: GeTai Challenge is a singing talent search competition for renowned getai singers organised by MediaCorp and broadcast on Channel 8 in Singapore. The show began on May 22, 2015 and ended on August 17, 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: You Can Be An Angel 2 is a Singaporean nursing series produced and telecast on Mediacorp Channel 8 in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. The show aired at 9pm on weekdays and had a repeat telecast at 8am the following day. It is supported by the Care To Go Beyond movement by MOH. Wikipedia
Plot: Reaching for the Skies was an aviation documentary TV series made by BBC Pebble Mill in association with CBS Fox. The first episode was transmitted in the United Kingdom on 12 September 1988 and in the US in 1989. Wikipedia
Plot: Say Cheese was a Singaporean drama produced by Mediacorp Studios and telecast on Mediacorp Channel 8. It consisted of 20 episodes and was aired at 9 pm on weekdays and had a repeat telecast at 8 am the following day. Wikipedia
Plot: A Million Dollar Dream is a Chinese television drama that aired on the Singaporean television channel Mediacorp Channel 8. The show aired at 9pm on weekdays and had a repeat telecast at 8am the following day. Wikipedia
Plot: Prior to becoming friends and business partners, Jason T. Smith and Bryan Goodman learned the value of used items and how to make money from them essentially the same way: by rummaging through flea markets and antiques shops, and honing negotiating skills by selling everything from luxury cars to secondhand...