Plot: Virtuosos is a Hungarian classical music-based reality competition television program for children and young adults, contested by players of classical instruments and classical singers drawn from nationwide auditions. The show is broadcast on Hungarian's MTVA network, airing a total of 5 seasons as...
Plot: "Everything you need to know about everything." With a slogan like that, you might have high expectations when watching a show like "On the Spot." The show is a lightning-fast game of trivia that provides answers to questions such as "can a cow have an accent?" and "who got the world's longest standing...
Plot: HÃradó is the main news program of MTVA, the Hungarian public broadcaster. It was broadcast daily on M1 at 19:30 before 15 March 2015. Since then M1 became a news channel, and HÃradó is up-to-date every hour, with its main edition at 19:30 expanded to 60 minutes. Wikipedia
Plot: Megasztár - Voice of the Year was a Hungarian a music talent show that started in 2003 on TV2. While it is widely considered an unlicensed clone of the British television show Pop Idol, TV2 maintains that it is a distinct format created by SBS management member Christoph Buerge. Wikipedia