Plot: Sir David Attenborough presents an unprecedented documentary series filmed over four years, following five endangered animals and their families: penguins, chimpanzees, lions, painted wolves, and tigers. Each of these animal families faces a fight for survival, under threat from harsh environmental...
Plot: A follow-up to the 2001 award-winning show "The Blue Planet," this natural history series sees Sir David Attenborough return as narrator and host. A breathtaking exploration of the world's vast oceans, hourlong episodes capture animals and other living organisms in their natural habitat, presenting...
Plot: Experiencing the planet's natural beauty through an examination of how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope.
Plot: How did we get here? How did humankind evolve from apes swinging in trees to astronauts walking on the moon? National Geographic's eight-part time-travel adventure series delves deep into history to highlight pivotal "origin" moments that fundamentally and irrevocably created modern living. Host Jason...
Plot: Given how rapidly technology and intelligence have advanced humankind in the past 10 years, one can't help but wonder how different the world may be in another 10 years. National Geographic, however, is thinking big. The six-part docudrama `Year Million' paints a visual story of what it will be like...
Plot: Adventures abound as a group of teenagers infiltrates an elite racing league controlled by a nefarious organization that is bent on world domination.
Plot: As multiple star systems get involved in the Clone Wars, the Jedi Knights struggle to keep the peace and defeat the droid army of the Separatists. Meanwhile, an old threat slowly reveals its presence.
Plot: A group of survivors led by police officer Rick Grimes travel in search of a safe and secure home after a zombie apocalypse spreads across the USA.
Plot: The new artificial intelligence running the park goes dangerously off the rails; a thief posing as an intern steals two eggs that contain a new species of dinosaur.
Plot: Disney's 1994 classic "The Lion King" is one of the most beloved animated films in the company's storied history. This follow-up series introduces Simba's son, fun-loving Kion, who is happy that his sister, Kiara, is destined to rule the Pride Lands. He soon discovers that as the second-born he has...
Plot: Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush stars as legendary intellectual Albert Einstein in this series that tracks the famed professor's life. The story spotlights Einstein's humble origins as a young, rebellious thinker and his struggles to be recognised by the establishment of academia before finally being accepted...
Plot: This show follows the adventures of animated versions of brothers Chris and Martin Kratt, hosts of such educational shows as "Kratts' Creatures" and "Zoboomafoo." In the show, the animated Kratts encounter wild animals during stories of adventure and mystery. The live-action Kratt brothers introduce...
Plot: Following the wildly successful "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey," Neil deGrasse Tyson returns as host to translate more revelations of science into a lavish transporting experience, taking audiences on a series of spiritual voyages of exploration. The show reveals previously uncharted realms, including...
Plot: At the dawn of evolution, a caveman and a dinosaur on the brink of extinction bond over unfortunate tragedies and become each other's only hope of survival in a treacherous world.
Plot: From the award-winning team of filmmaker Darren Aronofsky (`Black Swan') and producer Jane Root (`America the Story of Us'), this 10-part cinematic event series explores the fragility and wonder of planet Earth -- one of the most peculiar, unique places in the universe. Host Will Smith guides viewers...
Plot: A nuclear conflict has decimated civilisation. A century later, a spaceship accommodating humanity's lone survivors dispatch 100 juvenile delinquents back to the Earth to determine its habitability.
Plot: Four curious young dinosaurs named Rocky, Bill, Tiny, and Mazu go on adventures while following their herd. Rocky is the courageous one, Bill is the most timid, Tiny is the smallest yet most playful, and Mazu is the most inquisitive. The four friends look at things such as mapping the stars and searching...
Plot: Due to unforeseeable circumstances, the Robinsons, a family of space colonists, crash-land on an unknown planet. Now, they must fight for survival and escape, despite the dangers surrounding them.
Plot: Preschoolers get to hop on board the `Dinosaur Train' to learn about natural science, natural history and palaeontology. Each half-hour episode of this series, produced in CGI-animated format by the Jim Henson Company, features Buddy, a preschool-aged Tyrannosaurus Rex, and his adoptive Pteranodon family...
Plot: Adventurer/survivalist Bear Grylls hosts and narrates this six-part docuseries, which draws attention to the volatility of Mother Nature and the resilient animals that survive Earth's most extreme habitats. Each hourlong episode characterizes one of the planet's roughest environments -- including jungles...
Plot: Sir David Attenborough narrates this critically acclaimed series that dives deep into the marine environment of Planet Earth. Although two-thirds of the world's surface is covered with water, scientists know less about the oceans than they do about the surface of the moon. This limited series travels...
Plot: You probably don't want to try to pet (or get close to) the creatures and critters featured in this series. Host Bob Brisbane takes a look at some of the region's most deadly animals -- six dozen of them to be precise -- that are located from the depths of the Amazon jungle to the peaks of Patagonia...
Plot: In the years since man first ventured into space, scientific discoveries have had a dramatic impact on mankind's perception of both the universe and the human race's relationship to it. This ambitious series examines the known universe and the speculative worlds that may lie out there beyond the edge...
Plot: Six men and women travel to Mars to colonise the planet in 2033. The scientists and people behind the real-life mission show how they are to achieve this feat.