Plot: As the years go by, there is an increasingly large gap in time between the present day and World War II. As such, it is important to learn from surviving veterans of the war for current and future generations to be able to learn from those who fought in the historic battle. This programme can help...
Plot: Follows a year in Alaska, and reveals the stories of pioneering Alaskans, both animal and human, as they battle the elements and reap the benefits of nature's seasonal gold rush.
Plot: In conjunction with a same-titled book written by Michael Ashcroft, the six-part documentary `Heroes of the Skies' - presented by Ashcroft - tells the stories of some of history's most heroic airborne combat missions. The series, says Channel 5, uses vintage planes such as Spitfires, Lancaster bombers...
Plot: The experiences of people from across Britain who were involved in World War I are told in their own words in this programme that is produced in association with Imperial War Museum. The series, narrated by Olivia Colman, tells stories of soldiers, and the wives and girlfriends they left behind, whose...
Plot: The Great War is a history YouTube channel and web series which covered the events of World War I week-by-week from July 2014 to November 2018, now focusing on the events that followed it in longer episodes. The series debuted on July 28, 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Film footage and interviews with veterans chronicle the events of the Great War, World War I, starting from the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 to the final desperate battles of 1918.