Plot: Based on polish comic strip by Kornel Makuszynski (story) and Marian Walentynowicz (illustrations) adventure of an eccentric goat Matolek in pursuit of happines on his road to Pacanow around the world. MOTTO - Do not search far because it is near what you looking for.
Plot: Hip-Hip and Hurrah is a 2011-2013 Polish award-winning comedy/educational animated series created by Elżbieta WÄ sik produce by the biggest Polish animated studio Studio Miniatur Filmowych and Filmograf company. Series premier at the Polish TV station Kino Polska and is currently airing...
Plot: A story of an extraordinary TreFlik Family and their seemingly average life. A 4-year-old Treflik and his 6-year-old sister Treflinka live together with their parents in a little house. One day their ordinary life changes due to the appearance of a mysterious newcomer from a far away universe - Little...
Plot: Agi Bagi is an animated series dedicated to the preschoolers. It is adventure with a little bit of ecological education. The series tells us about the planet with two sides: Agi and Bagi and the relationship between the two tribes which inhabit the planet: Agingas and Bagingas. They come together with...
Plot: Petz Club is a French/Monegasque animated children's television series created by Dominique Amouyal and Hadrien Soulez Larivière. The series debuted on France 5's Zouzous block on June 30, 2014. Wikipedia