Plot: This gripping series presents some of the most dramatic, terrifying, and occasionally hilarious stories of the passengers and crew who have survived the world's wildest flights. Survivors share their experiences of everything from emergency landings, intense weather, mid-air collisions and even engine...
Plot: Experts analyse various plane crashes with an aim to figure out how these disasters occurred. They also shed light on how such accidents shaped the aviation industry and improved safety standards.
Plot: This series explores what happens when flights lose control. A packed passenger jet bursting into flames just moments from take-off, the panicking pilots who caused a catastrophic crash and the family fun flight that ended in disaster.
Plot: Featuring footage of terrifying moments taken by passengers and hearing from those who survived catastrophic events onboard an aircraft. From landing, to explosions and so much more.
Plot: Incredible footage and real stories of aviation emergencies, with expert analysis of situations including planes forced to land on water, intense weather conditions, and pilots with the skill to land at the world's most dangerous airports.
Plot: Why Planes Crash was an aviation documentary TV mini-series based on aircraft accidents and crashes. The series was created and named by producer Caroline Sommers, on behalf of NBC Peacock Productions. Wikipedia