Plot: The man with the orange "T" on his hat for his beloved University of Tennessee and home state has been a timeless institution as the host of this sport fishing show. It debuted in 1968, and over the years Dance has entertained viewers with an educational, humorous and at times offbeat way of having...
Plot: Outdoorsman Hank Parker made a name for himself in the world of professional fishing, winning the Bassmaster Classic in both 1979 and 1989. His sons Billy and Hank Jr. followed in their father's sporty footsteps by becoming drivers in the NASCAR Busch Series. This series follows dad and the boys as...
Plot: Mike Carney and Curt Wells combine years of experience as top-notch bowhunters to lead this long-running series. It features action-packed bowhunts in the U.S. and abroad, and the species on the menu -- white-tailed deer, elk, moose, black bear, wild turkey and more -- are as varied as the terrain...
Plot: Gloucester's fishermen have to learn new fishing techniques to beat their competitors, the Outer Banks' top fishermen, in the race to catch the elusive bluefin tuna in the waters of North Carolina.
Plot: With laid-back indie film director Michael de Avila at the helm, "Lunkerville" is not the typical hard core, host-is-the-star fishing show. It's quite the opposite, actually. Its foundation is the marriage de Avila -- as its creator and host -- creates between two of his passions: storytelling and...
Plot: The unpredictable nature of fishing is why the sport is, well, awesome. That's the opinion of former professional angler Mark Zona, who demonstrates on his Outdoor Channel show the allure of not knowing what's going to happen with each cast. Episodes might start with a targeted species, but that's...