Plot: It narrates a different and humorous story about the days after Khanjari's military service and Zohreh which happens 1512 days after the events of Shahgosh. Solat, who is looking for the dog's owner and sleeping in the streets, is close to an unexpected event which changes his life. It narrates a different...
Plot: Everyone knows someone with a special laugh--and Gigglebug's is one of the greatest ever. It's his gift, his innate ability and the key to transforming attitudes, which ultimately shakes loose every gummed-up situation he runs across. The stories are set in the oh-so enchanted Greengown Forest, where...
Plot: Chuck Chicken is a Flash animated television series created by Animasia Studios. The story takes place on a bird-filled island of Rocky Perch, and tells the story of Chuck who turns into "Kung Fu Chicken", providing Kung Fu style security and protection to the citizens of the island. Wikipedia
Plot: Mokhtarnameh is an Iranian epic/history television series directed by Davood Mirbagheri, based on the life of Al-Mukhtar, a pro-Alid revolutionary based in Kufa, who led a rebellion against the Umayyad Caliphate in 685 and ruled over most of Iraq for eighteen months during the Second Fitna. Wikipedia...
Plot: A yellow sea sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants, who enjoys being a cook at Krusty Krab, lives in the Pacific Ocean. He embarks on various adventures with his friends at Bikini Bottom.
Plot: Khandevane or Khandevaneh merged from khandeh and hendevane is an Iranian telecast directed by Rambod Javan. It first aired on 11 June 2014 on Nasim channel. The program is focused on showing that there should not be any reason not to laugh using various acts such as stand-up comedy. Wikipedia
Plot: Asre Jadid is an Iranian talent television competition. The program was produced by Ehsan Alikhani and launched on IRIB TV3 on 16 February 2019. The second season of the program began on 25 February 2020. Asre Jadid is one of the most popular programs in IRIB. Wikipedia
Plot: Capital is a three-part British television adaptation of John Lanchesteru2019s novel Capital. The series was written by Peter Bowker, directed by Euros Lyn and produced by Matt Strevens for Kudos Film & Television Company. The first episode was broadcast on BBC One on 24 November 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Hashtag Khaleh Sooskeh is an Iranian fantasy and musical television series directed by Mohammad Moslemi and produced by Hassan Mostafavi. It has been produced in 15 episodes and aired on the Home Theater Network since February 2018. Wikipedia