Plot: Trisha Yearwood is a renowned singer who has won a number of awards in her career, including multiple Grammys. But what people may not know about Yearwood is she is also an accomplished cook. This series invites viewers into the singer's kitchen as she showcases her family-inspired recipes and food...
Plot: John Torode and Lisa Faulkner invite us into their kitchen for a morning of feel good food. Brimming with recipes, shortcuts, inspiration and tips from top chef John and champion cook Lisa, everyone is welcome, from aspiring chefs to home cooks, to try the recipes that are inspired by John and Lisa...
Plot: Matt Tebbutt is joined by chefs Jane Baxter and Nadiya Hussain, and guest Richard Osman. There are great moments from the BBC food archive, including clips from Rick Stein, Keith Floyd, Nadiya Hussain, Sam Evans and Shauna Guinn. Drinks expert Helen McGinn joins via video link to pick the wines to...
Plot: Author and food columnist Nigel Slater and `Countryfile' presenter Adam Henson take the top 50 fresh foods bought in the UK each week at the supermarket and show how to get the most value, variety and flavour from them. Nigel aims to put the art of cooking back into Britain, demonstrating different...
Plot: Kitchen Cabinet is an Australian interview television program that is broadcast on ABC. It is hosted by Annabel Crabb. On the program, Crabb chats with the interview subjects while they prepare a meal together. Wikipedia