Plot: Journalist Joseph Rosendo likes to recall a quote from Mark Twain at the end of each episode of his Emmy Award-winning television series: "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." Embracing that philosophy, "Travelscope" leads viewers on journeys to the world's most exotic locations...
Plot: Chef Kevin Belton's new cooking series -- inspired by the vibrant festivals of New Orleans and its surrounding region -- showcases the unique food and multicultural heritage of the city. In his courtyard kitchen at WYES-TV studios, Belton prepares some of the best food booth favorites unique to the...
Plot: This series of episodes culled from the vast library of the late Bob Ross ("The Joy of Painting") features the soft-spoken host sharing his painting techniques, including his "wet-on-wet" technique, and creating some of his best-loved scenes. From a cabin in the majestic mountains or a covered bride...
Plot: Yoga can be challenging, especially for beginners who may be apprehensive about trying something that they think is too daunting. Wanting to help those who are new to the exercise, fitness instructor Sarah Starr created an easier routine. Happy Yoga, as she calls it, is a modified program using chairs...
Plot: Members of the Sparks' Crew -- Lucita Sky, AJ Gadgets, Sara Snap and Benny Bubbles -- work with their teacher, Mr. Sparks, to help people and solve problems.
Plot: Lilias, Yoga and You is a PBS television show hosted by Lilias Folan, a Cincinnati, Ohio based practitioner of yoga as exercise. The show first aired on October 5, 1970 on Cincinnati PBS member station WCET and three years later was carried on PBS across the United States, where it ran until 1999....