Plot: Expert angler Ali Hamidi embarks on another fishing adventure in `Monster Carp', where the host and his friends go on a search for some of the largest carp in the world. Ali's adventures take him to Japan, Hungary, Italy, Croatia and more. He meets other expert anglers and is joined by special guests...
Plot: Carp fishing expert Ali Hamidi and keen angler Dean Macey act as team captains in a competition that sees celebrity pairs face off in fishing challenges. Two teams take on challenges including float fishing, koi carp fishing and a 24-hour challenge to catch the largest carp or catfish. Hoping to take...
Plot: Popular Animal Planet personality Jeremy Wade, the nine-season star of the network's top-rated series `River Monsters', returns to waterways across the globe to investigate reports of the unimaginable and unexplained. He takes viewers on journeys beneath the water to remote areas, to islands lost in...