Plot: Serial Killers is a true crime podcast that examines serial killers from around the world and discusses their crimes and capture. The program is hosted by Greg Polcyn and Vanessa Richardson who provide a rare glimpse into the mind, methods and madness of the most notorious serial killers with the hopes...
Plot: This true crime series tells the stories of Britain's most high-profile young killers. Different cases are discussed from the view of the witnesses who gave first-hand testimonies and interviews with the friends, family and professionals involved. Over the past 20 years, approximately 400 children...
Plot: `World's Most Evil Killers' delves straight into the stories of the world's most prolific killers. Each episode focuses on one notorious killer and features firsthand accounts of their behaviour; such killers range from Fred and Rose West, Ed Gein, the Clown Killer, to the Milwaukee Cannibal. Accounts...