Plot: Acclaimed chef Ming Tsai is known for his melding of Eastern and Western flavors, a theme he furthers in "Simply Ming." Each episode deals with a specific staple, what he refers to as a Master Recipe. He demonstrates how to make that one staple, then he shares recipes that use that particular staple...
Plot: Cooking icon Julia Child invites 26 nationally recognized chefs into her kitchen, where she prepares dishes with the pros and breaks down their techniques and recipes for the home cook. Top names in the culinary world, such as Rick Bayless, Jasper White and Charlie Trotter, share their tips for dishes...
Plot: This half-hour documentary series from Chicago's WTTW and WORLD channel features stories of diverse people around the United States. Focusing on a single theme, each program is culled from public TV stations and independent producers across the country. Featured segments include the links between traumatic...
Plot: Rick Bayless is an American chef, born in Oklahoma, who specializes in modern interpretations of traditional Mexican cuisine. In this series, he encourages home cooks to incorporate the vibrant flavors of Mexican cuisine into their everyday cooking. Bayless travels throughout Mexico, highlighting the...
Plot: Journalist Jim Cotter explores the variety, quality and heritage of creativity in Philadelphia and beyond. Featuring a wide variety of artists from a diverse range of disciplines and locations, the series explores life through art, culture and creative expression. Guests featured throughout the series...
Plot: Chef Nick Stellino presents his most cherished recipes as he revisits dishes inspired by his childhood in Sicily. Filmed at his Los Angeles home, Stellino brings Italian classics to life in a way that's easy to follow and easy to replicate. In each episode, Stellino highlights a utensil or ingredient...
Plot: Travel host and producer Mickela Mallozzi explores dance and music culture around the world. A professional dancer, Mallozzi begins her journey in her hometown of Minturno, Italy, where she visits the town's annual wheat harvest festival. Other episodes include dancing tango in Buenos Aires, Argentina...
Plot: Acclaimed photographer Art Wolfe travels the globe in this travel series, allowing viewers to experience remote, awe-inspiring locations from areas across the planet. Spectacular glaciers, stunning deserts, colorful rainforests and remote mountain peaks are among the sights featured from locations...
Plot: Adventurer Richard Wiese guides viewers on journeys across the continents to find out about unique stories, people and wildlife. Wiese's travels often take him to areas that have been untouched by modern society and harken back to past times. Tracking elusive white rhino in southern Africa, spending...
Plot: Called the "Gladiator of Grilling" by Oprah Winfrey, it can be assumed that Steven Raichlen knows his way around a grill. And now he's sharing some of his knowledge with viewers in his BBQU, located on the grounds of the historic Greenbriar Resort in West Virginia. His equipment includes a number of...
Plot: Ex-CFL athlete Matt Dunigan cooks. But what makes his show entertaining is the fact that he's not a chef - and he has no problem admitting it. Dunigan is just a guy who loves hanging out with friends and eating.
Plot: Superstar chef Bobby Flay hits some of his favorite New York spots in search of ideas, ingredients and even friends to take back to a party he is throwing in a cosmopolitan rooftop setting, where he demonstrates the art of entertaining with elegance and style even while cooking outdoors.
Plot: Food Network's go-to guy for grilling, Bobby Flay, partners each week with a viewer (selected from audition tapes and known to be a grill master) who brings his or her own best recipe to prepare. Bobby, however, doesn't even know in advance whether the dish is going to be fish, meat or vegetable, forcing...
Plot: In his previous show, `Barbecue University', Steven Raichlen taught viewers the necessary skills to grill a chicken breast or hamburger without leaving it pink in the middle or turning it into a charred hockey puck. This follow-up series guides aspiring grillmasters to the next level with an assortment...
Plot: Smoking is the focus of this cooking series hosted by award-winning author, journalist and cooking teacher Steven Raichlen. Presented by Maryland Public Television, the series offers how-to's for smoking just about anything, from barbecued pork and lamb shoulders to a smokehouse ham from scratch and...