Plot: Bom Sucesso is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 29 July 2019, replacing Verão 90, and ended on 24 January 2020, replaced by Salve-se Quem Puder. Wikipedia
Plot: Tempo de Amar is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 26 September 2017, replacing Novo Mundo and concluded its run on 19 March 2018. It is created by Alcides Nogueira. Wikipedia
Plot: Pega Pega is a Brazilian telenovela created by Claudia Souto, produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It is directed by Luiz Henrique Rios. It premiered on 6 June 2017 replacing Rock Story and ended its run on 8 January 2018, with Deus Salve o Rei replacing it. Wikipedia
Plot: Escolinha do Professor Raimundo is a Brazilian comedy TV sketch and later TV show led by Chico Anysio and aired on various comedy shows for over 38 years. There, Anysio played Professor Raimundo, a teacher in charge of an adult education class. Wikipedia
Plot: Nos Tempos do Imperador is an upcoming Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It was originally scheduled to premiere on 30 March 2020, however due to the COVID-19 pandemic the premiere was postponed and filming was suspended. Wikipedia
Plot: Maria Paula follows Ferraço along the streets of São Paulo and she is hit by a car. Elsewhere, Bernardinho finds Dalia on the floor and she is unconscious.