Plot: Yuanfang De Jia is a travel documentary series created by China Central Television, which was first broadcast on 1 December 2010, on CCTV-1, CCTV-4, and CCTV-22. Wikipedia
Plot: Approaching Science was a documentary film program of China's CCTV-10. It was first broadcast on June 1, 1998, and has become a "popular program of CCTV". The programme ceased to continue after the last episode was aired on 30 September 2019. Its host was Zhang Tengyue. Wikipedia
Plot: Aerial China, also known as Bird's-eye China, is a Chinese documentary television series showcasing the country's landscape via only aerial videos. It aimed to consist of a total of 34 episodes and cover all of ChinaΓ’s 23 provinces, five autonomous regions, four municipalities and...