Plot: Kockduellen was a Swedish food cooking-contest airing over TV 4. It originally aired between 26 August 1996 â 2000 with Staffan Ling as host, and subsequently with Peder Lamm from 2000-2008. Among the chefs in the programme were Leif Mannerström, Gert Klötzke, Fredrik Eriksson...
Plot: Liv i luckan med julkalendern, also known as Julklådan, was the Sveriges Television's Christmas calendar in 1988. This year, TV presenter Staffan Ling presented short Christmas stories, based by screenplays submitted by children. Wikipedia
Plot: Parlamentet is a satirical panel gameshow on TV4, which parodies Swedish political debate. It was first broadcast in 1999 and is currently in its 23rd series. The current presenter is Anders S. Nilsson, who has hosted the show since 2004. Wikipedia
Plot: Swedish Television's Christmas calendar or Swedish Television's Advent calendar is a Christmas calendar TV series for children, broadcast by Sveriges Television since 1960 and has developed into an essential part of contemporary Swedish Christmas tradition. Wikipedia