Plot: Following one of the worst mass school shootings in recent history, students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., rise up to lead a global movement and campaign for stricter gun laws.
Plot: The brutal killings of Lin Russell and her daughter Megan, along with the attempted murder of 9-year-old Josie, in 1996, shocked the nation. A year after the event a local heroin addict, Michael Stone, was charged with their murders and received a life sentence. However, 20 years after conviction,...
Plot: Following Durham police in the former mining towns on the north-east coast where crime and drug use is high and cops and criminals are on first name terms.
Plot: Five ex-Special Forces soldiers recreate the SAS's secret selection process and put 30 men through it, in the ultimate test of their physical and - more importantly - psychological resilience.
Plot: Experts analyse various plane crashes with an aim to figure out how these disasters occurred. They also shed light on how such accidents shaped the aviation industry and improved safety standards.