Plot: Svenska Hollywoodfruar is a Swedish reality television program on TV3. The concept of the series revolves around the pursuit of the lives of some Swedish women living a glamorous Hollywood lifestyle with their rich American husbands. The 2009 season of the series, which aired on TV3, consisted of five...
Plot: After two decades, the Graaf sisters are finally reunited in front of the camera to invite us into their fast-paced, playful and slightly crazy lives.
Plot: Efterlyst is a Swedish television program, equivalent of America's Most Wanted. The show plays security camera footage, reconstructions of crimes, and then takes calls and tips from the Swedish public. Wikipedia
Plot: Baren is the local season of the reality The Bar in Denmark. The show was aired in 2001 and 2002 with 2 seasons in total. TV3 is the channel was aired. Wikipedia
Plot: Fame Factory was a Swedish reality television show structured in the form of Star Academy series also known under that name in France or various names like Fame Academy in the UK, Operación Triunfo in Spain etc. Fame Factory was launched in 2002 on the Swedish channel TV3 and was hosted for 4 seasons...
Plot: Bonde söker fru is a Swedish reality television program broadcast by TV4 based on the Fremantle format Farmer Wants a Wife. It features a number of single farmers who get to meet a number of potential partners and host some of them on their farms and go on an extended date with one. Wikipedia