Plot: Gordon Gekko, a former Wall Street corporate raider, joins forces with Jacob Moore, a top proprietary trader at Keller Zabel Investments, to avenge the death of Jacob's mentor, Louis Zabel.
Plot: Jack, a taxi driver, finds himself helping two aliens who appear to look like human children and claim that they trying to save Earth and themselves from Siphon, a dangerous killer from outer space.
Plot: The quirky Wade Walker falls in love with the gorgeous Grace. She, however, feels that her family will not accept their relationship. So in a bid to win them over, Wade crashes their annual reunion.
Plot: Six friends get a shock of their lives when they receive a message from one of their deceased friends while video chatting. While they think it is a prank, they are soon exposed to some unruly events.
Plot: With the recession hitting people hard in Dublin during the 80s, Conor is moved from his private school to a tough inner-city alternative. As he tries to adjust to a new way of life, he decides to start his own band.
Plot: Long-time married couple Pete and Debbie struggle with the idea of turning 40. With disobedient kids and rising debts coupled with an unwanted pregnancy, the two head towards a myriad of problems.