Plot: Season 2 features a new storyline and cast headed by Suranne Jones. She portrays Laurie Franklin, an off-duty police officer who finds herself caught up in a strange sequence of events beginning when a commuter train is halted by a suicide jumper. Laurie then learns that a newborn baby has been abandoned...
Plot: Sorted is a six-part BBC television drama series that follows the personal and professional lives of several postmen. It was first broadcast in 2006 on BBC One and BBC HD. The series was created by Danny Brocklehurst, whose previous credits including Clocking Off, The Stretford Wives and Shameless....
Plot: A toddler is rushed to the emergency department when her dad suspects she has swallowed button batteries used to power toys. The consequences could be life-threatening, so an x-ray is needed fast to get the answer they need. The medical team must also work out what's wrong with a nine-month-old baby...
Plot: Dave must take up the responsibility of raising his four children on his own after the sudden death of his wife. Fathering four kids becomes unmanageable for him when he falls in love again.
Plot: Set in Manchester's legal community, follows the exploits, competitiveness and legal cases of two rival law firms of barristers that both have very different attitudes to justice.
Plot: This program follows the personal and professional lives of two detectives working for a Manchester police unit that specialises in murder cases.
Plot: City Central was a British television police procedural drama series, written and created by Tony Jordan, that first broadcast on BBC One on 4 April 1998. Wikipedia
Plot: Between the Sheets is a 2003 British television miniseries. This dramedy depicts the romantic and sexual challenges of several different couples who are all linked in some way. Wikipedia
Plot: Dead Clever is a British black comedy film, first screened on ITV on New Year's Day, 2007. Written by Sally Wainwright, it stars Suranne Jones, Helen Baxendale and Dean Lennox Kelly. Although officially titled Dead Clever it was subtitled The Life and Crimes of Julie Bottomley. Wikipedia
Plot: Instead of basking in the sunshine of her release from prison after serving 15 years for the murder of two policemen, Ruth Slater is enveloped by dark clouds. If the prospect of rebuilding her life, half of which has been spent behind bars, isn't daunting enough, Slater is haunted by her past decisions...
Plot: World Idol was the title of a one-off international version of the television show Pop Idol, featuring winners of the various national Idol shows around the world competing against each other. Wikipedia
Plot: Ray Winstone plays the title character in this private-eye drama. Vincent, his partner Beth, and the other members of their team are hired to spy on people. From suspected cheating spouses to the hunt for a killer, former cop Vincent and his crew do what it takes to bring the bad guys to justice.