Plot: Its first edition counted on the presentation of actor Gerson de Abreu and the X puppet, which dealt with everyday subjects and curiosities in general. There was also the participation of Marcelo Mansfield talking of scientific curiosities, Oscar Simch as the Sultan and Raquel Barcha as Sherazade, both...
Plot: Host Ana Hickmann welcomes a great variety of music stars to thrill the audience. Curious facts about animals, science, fashion and handcrafts are also presented. Astonishing magic tricks amaze the public. Ana also gives a chance for those who wish to win some money and prizes, as well as to enjoy themselves...
Plot: Bom Dia & Cia is a morning children's television block that aired on SBT and also the children's TV show in more time on display in Brazil being on air since 2 August 1993. Wikipedia