Plot: It is a Polish television series produced by TVN television station. The hidden truth tells the stories that life wrote, the fate of the people next to us. Each episode has a tense tale, once funny and once with a dramatic finale. Betrayals, lies, hatred and unexpected twists. It is a Polish television...
Plot: 15:00 na żywo is a Polish newscast broadcast by TVN24 from Monday to Friday between 3 and 4 p.m. CET. It is presented by Anna JÄdrzejowska and debuted on air on 20 June 2011. The program continues coverage of stories followed during 9 prior hours of hard-news programs, which consist of...
Plot: M jak miÅoÅÄ is a Polish soap opera, revolving around the multiple generations of the Mostowiak family. The series premiered on 4 November 2000 on TVP2, primarily as a weekly drama, and after one season shifted into a new timeslot and extended to two episodes per week. Wikipedia...
Plot: DzieŠNa Żywo is the hard-news daytime programming on Polish news channel TVN24. Two hosts present the news alternately every half an hour. The programme features newscasts, live reports with correspondents and talks with invited guests. Wikipedia
Plot: Panorama is a British current affairs documentary programme aired on BBC Television. First broadcast in 1953, it is the world's longest-running news television programme. Panorama has been presented by many well known BBC presenters, including Richard Dimbleby, Robin Day, David Dimbleby and Jeremy Vine...
Plot: Teleexpress is the second news program of the TVP, broadcast daily on TVP1 and on TVP Info at 17:00 / 5:00PM. Until June 1992, it was broadcast at 17:15 / 5:15PM. It may broadcasts at different hours on TVP1 if the schedule of some sporting events that the channel broadcast interfere with the usual...
Plot: SzkÅo kontaktowe is a Polish satirist program shown seven times a week, twice a day on TVN 24. SzkÅo kontaktowe launched on 25 January 2005. It is hosted by Grzegorz Miecugow, Tomasz Sianecki, Wojciech ZimiÅski and Grzegorz Markowski. Wikipedia
Plot: WiadomoÅci is the chief Polish news program produced by Telewizja Polska and broadcast on the first channel, TVP1. The main edition is transmitted daily at 7:30 p.m. CET. It premiered on 18 November 1989 and s쳮ded the Dziennik Telewizyjny, which was aired during the communist era for over...
Plot: Fakty TVN is the flagship newscast of TVN, one of Poland's major television networks. The programme was launched on 3 October 1997, which was also the first day of the entire TVN. As of May 2019, it has an average audience of 3.2 million viewers, making it Poland's most watched television newscast....