Plot: "Frontline" offers an unflinching and compelling look at complex, vital and often-controversial subjects. Each broadcast consists of a long-form news documentary. Topics run the gamut -- from Bernie Madoff's intricate fraud and prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, to AIDs, racial issues and Wal-Mart's effect...
Plot: Developed by "Frontline" producers in association with public television stations in Boston and San Francisco, this critically acclaimed series presents compelling human interest stories from around the globe. Each episode features two or three "short stories" told by a diverse pool of reporters and...
Plot: Veteran war correspondents Stuart Ramsay and Alex Crawford take you behind the scenes of reporting to illustrate the dangers, complexities and emotions of reporting from troubled spots around the world.
Plot: Journalist and former doctor Michael Mosley puts his medical background to use in this documentary programme that travels from the frontline of war to the frontline of research, uncovering the medical breakthroughs that are coming out of current conflicts. Among the locations Mosley visits is Camp Bastion...
Plot: Rav Wilding meets with officers from around the UK as they relive some of their most intense cases. These cases had an impact of entire communities and defined many careers. Plus, witnesses, victims and relatives share their experiences.
Plot: What is it really like being in the British Armed Forces and fighting in the war in Afghanistan? This three-part documentary gets to the heart of the story, with unrestrained access to action both on and off the battlefield. Each episode follows the story of a group of servicemen and women fighting...
Plot: On his tenth trip to Afghanistan, Ross Kemp fronts his third series documenting the efforts of British soldiers in the war-torn region. This time he embeds with the Whiskey Company 45 Commando Royal Marines, some of the country's toughest soldiers, to find out what has changed ten years on from 9/11...