Plot: "The Looming Tower" traces the rising threat of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida in the late '90s and how a rivalry between the FBI and CIA during the time period may have inadvertently set the path for the attacks of 9/11. The series follows members of the I-49 Squad in New York and Alec Station in Washington...
Plot: Evan 'Scribe' Wright is a journalist for The Rolling Stones. He persuades the commander to recruit him into the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, so he may document the assault on Baghdad.
Plot: This documentary tells the story of modern America through the life of one man -- President Donald Trump. The four-episode series shows how he has embodied many of the movements that have shaped American society since the 1960s, including capitalism, political disenfranchisement, reality TV and social...
Plot: From a storyline conceived by bestselling author Jo NesbΓΒΈ, `Occupied' focuses on political and environmental issues affecting Scandinavia. The ten-part Nordic drama is based in the near future, when environmental concerns prompt the Norwegian government to stop all oil and gas production in the...
Plot: The story of Easy Company, 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division from 1942 to the end of World War II. A collection of fifty portraits illustrated by archive footage and recounted in voice.