Plot: The cliche "don't judge a book by its cover" applies to the houses featured on this series. The homes appear to be ordinary from the outside, but inside they feature some jaw-dropping designs. Whether the owners are showcasing their love of sports teams or designing around particular themes, they go...
Plot: Matilda Gray, an ambitious musician and talented cellist, has her life suddenly turned upside down when her mother commits suicide. While going through her deceased mom's possessions, Gray finds an old box filled with newspaper cuttings about the disappearance of a young girl from a small Welsh village...
Plot: Hip-hop music first developed in the United States in the 1970s and has steadily grown in popularity in the decades since then. This docuseries traces the genre's dynamic evolution from the beginning through the 1990s. It starts with a look at artists -- including Afrika Bambaataa and Grandmaster Flash...
Plot: Based on the acclaimed film of the same name, this Netflix-original series follows a group of students of color at Winchester University, a predominantly white Ivy League college. The students are faced with a landscape of cultural bias, social injustice, misguided activism and slippery politics. Through...
Plot: Robert Crawley risks losing the family estate after his heirs die in the Titanic. Soon, the Crawleys are introduced to Matthew, the next heir in line, who resists the aristocratic way of life.
Plot: The Kentucky Derby is known as the most exciting two minutes in sports, but it takes a lot of work to prepare Churchill Downs to host the 1.25-mile race every year. This docuseries gives viewers an intimate look at the excitement and drama of the seven days leading up to significant historical and...
Plot: When two children go missing in a small German town, its sinful past is exposed along with the double lives and fractured relationships that exist among four families as they search for the kids. The mystery-drama series introduces an intricate puzzle filled with twists that includes a web of curious...
Plot: Homeowners renting out rooms, or their entire abodes, to short-term renters is becoming an increasingly common alternative to vacationers staying at hotels. But the properties need to offer unique features or amenities for the property owners to maximize their earnings. On "Stay Here," designer Genevieve...
Plot: This property series follows award-winning architect Piers Taylor and actress and property enthusiast Caroline Quentin as they discover the world's most extraordinary abodes. The pair travel far and wide, across mountains, through forests, along coasts and deep underground to find unique properties....
Plot: Fearne Cotton presents as ten aspiring designers on the cusp of turning professional take on commercial interior design challenges, and compete to win a life changing design contract.
Plot: `The Defiant Ones' tells of the unbreakable bond of trust and friendship between music legends Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre, two street-smart men from different worlds who together defied traditional wisdom and transformed contemporary culture in the process. Filmed over a three-year period by director...
Plot: For some people, the favorite memories from their childhoods are playing with toys, some of which become iconic through the years as multiple generations of people play with the venerable playthings. This series takes a look at some of America's greatest toy franchises, including the people and companies...
Plot: News site Vox is behind this series that puts the spotlight on topical issues that impact people's lives. The docuseries -- which features episodes that generally range from 15 to 20 minutes in length -- aims to dig deeper into topics, questions and ideas that aren't often part of the daily news cycle...
Plot: The disappearance of former college acquaintance Chantal leads several 20-somethings to get entangled in the mystery of how she went missing. Leading the search party is Dory, a lifelong doormat who works as a rich housewife's assistant. Dory makes it her personal mission to find Chantal -- and she'...
Plot: It's 1832 in West Yorkshire, England -- the cradle of the evolving Industrial Revolution -- where landowner Anne Lister is determined to save her faded ancestral home, Shibden Hall, even if it means bucking society's expectations. In addition to reopening the coal mines, a part of Lister's plan to...