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Extreme Phobias, Extreme Cures

Extreme Phobias, Extreme Cures

Description: `Extreme Phobias, Extreme Cures' helps people with extreme phobias to overcome their fears. Groups of ten are encouraged to face their problems together as they go through exposure therapy. The treatment involves the participants tackling their worst fears head-on. Over a three-day period they attempt to conquer their emotions to rid themselves of phobias - including birds, heights, dogs, water, spiders and confined spaces - affecting their everyday lives. Psychologists Richard Reid and Dr Becky Spelman guide the sufferers through their journeys to recovery.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Reality-TV
Year Released: 2015
Number of seasons: 1
Number of episodes: 4
First episode air date: June 3, 2015
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