Plot: To some, the pairing of a tough-talking actress from Queens, N.Y., with a food purist from Tuscany would seem as natural as, say, mixing oil and water. Yet these two seemingly disparate individuals manage to not only share a passionate marriage but also a love of fine food. Independent film fave Debi...
Plot: Debi Mazar goes on a cross-country culinary journey with her husband, chef Gabriele Corcos, and their two daughters in this series that serves as an extension of the couple's cooking show "Extra Virgin." Their journey begins at the Grand Canyon, where they pick fresh ingredients from a local farm,...
Plot: Thanksgiving is a time for family, reflecting and taking the time to give thanks to family and friends. Five chefs from around the country put their spin on this food lovers holiday. Each episode features two rounds. In the first round, they take a classic Thanksgiving side and reinvent it, with the...