Description: Explorer, the longest-running documentary series in cable television history, honored with nearly 60 Emmys and hundreds of other awards, continues as a series of major specials on the National Geographic Channel. In the course of more than two thousand films, Explorer has taken viewers to more than 120 countries, opening a window on hidden parts of the world, unlocking mysteries both ancient and modern, and investigating stories of science, nature, and culture. Explorer, the longest-running documentary series in cable television history, honored with nearly 60 Emmys and hundreds of other awards, continues as a series of major specials on the National Geographic Channel. In the course of more than two thousand films, Explorer has taken viewers to more than 120 countries, opening a window on hidden parts of the world, unlocking mysteries both ancient and modern, and investigating stories of science, nature, and culture.
Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2015
Number of seasons: 4
Number of episodes: 42
First episode air date: August 30, 2015
Record Labels: Nonesuch Records Inc., Nonesuch/Warner Records, Elektra Nonesuch
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Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2015
Number of seasons: 4
Number of episodes: 42
First episode air date: August 30, 2015
Record Labels: Nonesuch Records Inc., Nonesuch/Warner Records, Elektra Nonesuch
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