Plot: "Saturday Night Live" for a Nickelodeon audience. That's the basic premise of "All That," a Saturday night staple on Nick's lineup for a decade. The cast members -- who, like "SNL," changed throughout the seasons as people came and left -- participate in comedy sketches, often featuring recurring characters...
Plot: Each half-hour episode of this series features a panel of comics discussing trends and topics in the music industry. The brainchild of comedy quintet Dr. God -- whose founders Neil Garguilo and Dave Park are executive producers -- "MOCKpocalypse" has discussions about themes like "sexy things in music...
Plot: Described by Comedy Central as "a socially aware stand-up and music series," the primary mission of "The New Negroes" is to showcase a collection of new and established comedians and musicians. It's the brainchild of actor/comic Baron Vaughn and rapper Open Mike Eagle, who took inspiration for the...
Plot: Multitalented actor, rapper and TV host Nick Cannon heads behind the camera as executive producer of this fast-paced sketch comedy series featuring six teen actors. The half-hour show's format is familiar to viewers of other sketch comedy shows but done with a childlike imagination. The young actors...
Plot: Celebrities by night, rock stars by later that night, actors and comedians live out their rock 'n' roll fantasies in "The Comedy Jam" in acts designed to surprise, entertain, and utterly shock an unsuspecting audience. Hourlong episodes begin with a fan-favorite actor or comic taking the stage at the...
Plot: Old aged contestants across America participate in a competition where they showcase their unique and hidden talents in front of a renowned personality.
Plot: Harry is a television drama series that was made by Union Pictures for the BBC, and shown on BBC1 between 18 September 1993 and 12 April 1995. The programme concerned a journalist called Harry Salter who ran a news agency in the English town of Darlington in England. Wikipedia
Plot: Host Steve Harvey invites some of the most talented young children from all over the world to showcase their impressive abilities in front of an audience.