Plot: "Exhibition Unknown" chronicles explorer Josh Gates' global adventures as he investigates iconic unsolved events, lost cities, buried treasures and other puzzling stories. Armed with a degree in archaeology, a quick wit and a thirst for action, Gates investigates recent developments before embarking...
Plot: On "Expedition Unknown," host Josh Gates explores unsolved events, buried treasures and puzzling stories in search of answers. This companion show provides a behind-the-scenes look at some of Gates' favorite expeditions. Through pop-up commentary, the host offers insights into how he was feeling while...
Plot: Intrigued by legendary mysteries and driven by curiosity, Josh Gates is on a mission for answers. `Exhibition Unknown' chronicles his global adventures as he investigates iconic unsolved events, lost cities, buried treasures and other puzzling stories. Armed with a degree in archaeology, a quick wit...
Plot: After encountering suspected evidence of the Yeti while trekking the Himalayan peaks many years ago, adventurer Josh Gates returns to the mountain range in search of the truth behind the legend. Is the abominable snowman out there? And if so, what is it? Relying on his wit, instinct, expert negotiation...