Plot: This documentary series follows a team of big cat experts and wildlife filmmakers as they travel to the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan in search of endangered tigers. Very little is known about the tiger population that lives there, and the team hopes to capture footage of the animals at record elevations...
Plot: A reality-based web series that follows an expedition crew of overlanders and outfitted vehicles through some of the most remote places of the world. Watch as the crew travels through Alaska and the Yukon territory on a six-week-long adventure.
Plot: This wildlife documentary is presented by BAFTA Award-winning English naturalist Steve Backshall. The show sees the host coming face-to-face with the world's most fierce animals as he travels to six countries, including Guyana, Namibia, Indonesia, Australia, South Africa and Mexico. On his journey,...
Plot: Over six months, a team of biologists and specialist camera crew explore the length of South and Central America to find out how animals have adapted to life in the dark. The expedition starts in the jungles of Costa Rica where the team are after some of the most frightening nocturnal predators. Alone...
Plot: Stephen James Backshall MBE is a BAFTA-winning English naturalist, explorer, writer and television presenter, best known for BBC TV's Deadly 60. Wikipedia