Plot: Actor Seth Green ("Family Guy") and Matthew Senreich created the off-the-wall comedy hit, which is a series of pop-culture parodies using stop-motion animation of toys, action figures and dolls. The title character was an ordinary chicken until he was run down by a car and subsequently brought back...
Plot: Half-brothers Nathan and Lucas attempt to deal with their lives and bond over their love for basketball in the small town of Tree Hill, North Carolina.
Plot: Smith's family consists of four members which include a freaky goldfish that has the mind of a German football player and an alien. Smith, along with the CIA, tries to save America from every threat.
Plot: Ex-con artist Jimmy McGill turns into a small-time attorney and goes through a series of trials and tragedies, as he transforms into his alter ego Saul Goodman, a morally challenged criminal lawyer.
Plot: Two childhood best friends, Dawson and Joey, go through different stages of adolescence together. Their friendship is later tested when they both start a relationship with different people.
Plot: Brenda Johnson, an Atlanta police detective, moves to Los Angeles and heads up a squad that handles sensitive, high-profile homicides. Although she clashes with some colleagues, her skills as a CIA-trained interrogator prove invaluable in obtaining confessions.
Plot: Betty, a hard-working and optimistic girl, struggles to make her mark in the publishing business, but she is rebuked because she doesn't meet the traditional standards of beauty.
Plot: US spy Michael Weston suddenly finds himself 'burned'-discredited without any form of procedure. Since no one will really help him, he survives by doing impossible jobs for desperate people in Miami.
Plot: Single strangers who, because of their tenuous relationship with the bride and groom and their solo statuses, are relegated to the most remote table at a wedding reception. Despite the indignities of sitting at the "singles table," the group realizes that they're all kindred spirits, trying to make...
Plot: A secret facility, the Dollhouse, erases the personalities of Echo and her fellow "actives" so they can assume any relevant personas they may be assigned in engagements that cater to the wealthy, powerful and well-connected. After each assignment, the actives are subjected to another personality wipe...
Plot: Newly divorced Molly Kagan embarks on a new chapter in her life, supported by close friends Joan and Rodney as she enters into a new romance with a handsome writing teacher.
Plot: Jared Franklin and Peter Bash are two unconventional lawyers and long-time friends who take down a stuffy law firm. The head of the law firm recruits them to bring in new life to the work place.
Plot: Whitney and her live-in boyfriend Alex have been together for three years and yet are not ready for marriage. Fearing about relationship boredom, she uses unconventional ways to maintain it.
Plot: Lola was the Greek remake of the successful Argentine comedy franchise Lalola. The series premiered on September 22, 2008 in Greece on ANT1 and ran Monday through Friday. The last episode was released on July 7, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Based on writer Chris Henchy's marriage to Brooke Shields, this comedy chronicles a high-school teacher who falls in love with a movie star and is completely unprepared for all that comes with it.
Plot: Attorney Jason Payne had a superstar career at a prestigious Los Angeles law firm -- that is, until his wife, Laurie, kicked him out of the house and he had a nervous breakdown. After three months at a "wellness center," Jason finds himself with no job, no place to live and no support system. Enter...