Plot: An Crisis is an Irish comedy television series which was first broadcast on TG4 in 2010 as a six-part miniseries satirising the inner workings of an Irish-language quango. It was written by Antoine à Flatharta and directed by Charlie McCarthy. A sequel, titled Crisis Eile aired in 2013. Wikipedia...
Plot: London-born funnyman Kayvan Novak hosts the comedy series `Britain Today Tonight'. Star of `Fonejacker' and `Facejacker', this sketch show sees Novak return to pranking members of the British public across the country. This time, he is the host of a fictional American current affairs show, Channel...
Plot: RTÃ News on Two was a late night news programme that aired each Monday to Thursday on Irish public service broadcaster RTÃ Two. The transmission time of this programme varied each night. It generally aired between 22:45 and 23:30. It ran for 10 minutes. Wikipedia
Plot: The story of the Connolly brothers, three Irish immigrants who travel from Montana to the Yukon during the Klondike gold rush of the 1890s in the hope of striking it rich.
Plot: Following the life of Aifric whose wacky family have just moved to a new town in the West of Ireland. The 14-year-old wants nothing more than to fit in but feels her family will not make it easy for her.
Plot: Nuacht RTÃ le TG4 is the main news service for Irish speakers on RTÃ television. The service is broadcast from the news studios at Baile na hAbhann in the Connemara Gaeltacht, County Galway Nuacht RTÃ ... Wikipedia