Plot: Film critic and writer David Poland hosts this series, which features him conducting celebrity interviews. The interviewees, who include actors and filmmakers, talk with Poland about their crafts, careers, lives and latest projects, often sharing stories that provide viewers with new insights into...
Plot: Graham Norton gets up close and personal with various celebrities whilst focusing on different aspects of celebrity culture that attract his attention.
Plot: Jeremy Kyle investigates high-profile issues that impact on the lives of people across the UK today - from legal highs to knife crime, and from underage drinking to plastic surgery.
Plot: Starface is an American television game show which ran on GSN on August 1, 2006 to September 23, 2006. Reruns aired until January 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Jeremy Kyle presents a studio-based medical show that aims to help people with health issues. Various patients share their stories on the programme and are then examined by a doctor or nurse. The medical professionals give their diagnoses and provide sufferers with treatment plans. The episodes deal...